Visit Shree Shree Satyanarayan Baba Dham for Peace, Wisdom, Well-being & blessings of Lord Shiva.

The Saint meditates for the well-being of the society, in open sky without consuming food since 1998.

श्री श्री सत्यनारायण बाबा जी का जन्म १२ जुलाई १९८४ को ग्राम दुमरपाली (देवरी) जिला रायगढ़ छत्तीसगढ़ के एक कृषक साहू परिवार में हुआ| बाबा जी १६ फरवरी १९९८ से अब तक तीनो मौसम ग्रीष्म ,वर्षा एवं शीत ऋतू मैं खुले आसमान के निचे निरंतर तपस्यारत है| बाबाजी का आधार फल , दूध व जल है| बाबाजी किसी भी भक्त से वार्तालाप (बातचीत) नहीं करते जब तक तपस्या पूर्ण न हो जाये| भक्त जनों से निवेदन है की कोई भी भक्त अपनी किसी मनोकामना लेकर यदि आये हो , तो वे पूजा स्थल पर प्रार्थना कर लेवे जिससे भोलेनाथ आपकी भी मनोकामना पूर्ण करेंगे.


Shree Shree Satyanarayan Baba

His Holiness Shree Shree Satyanarayan Baba was born on 12th July, 1984 at Dumarpali village (Devari), Raigarh District (Chhattisgarh) in a farmer Sahu family.

His Holiness Babaji, started His meditation from 16th February 1998 under open sky never moved under any shelter and without consuming food.  Under all weather conditions, it may be scorching Summer or intense Rain or extreme Cold, He sits only in the place where he started His meditation.  And, He does not even sleep!

With the stanch faith in Lord Shiva, He cut himself His tongue and sat in meditation in front of a "Shiv Linga", and continues His meditation with strict silence for the well-being of the entire society.

Blessed Moments

Glimpses Since 1998